Liquid Lawnch (Drinking Game 28 pcs) Card Set


Must be 21 and over to order.

Boards not included.

The NEW Liquid Lawnch cards are made out of a weatherproof recyclable plastic. No more worries about spillage or rain ruining the cards. Get a lifetime of use and immense fun out of playing a great NEW drinking game with your friends and family.

We’ve added 4 blank dry erase cards to the set so you can make up your own rules and add as many as you want to the games…ENJOY!!!

Liquid Lawnch 28 pcs

Must be 21 or over to order.

Liquid Lawnch is a wild and exciting drinking game that is perfect for a night in with friends or a day at the park. The objective of the game is simple: players take turns tossing sacks at cards they choose and complete the fun and wacky challenges listed on them. Whether it be chugging a certain drink, doing a silly dance, or performing a dare, each round is guaranteed to bring laughter and hilarity. The rules are flexible, allowing players to customize the game to their preferences, making every round a unique and unforgettable experience. So grab your favorite drinks and get ready for a wild ride, because Liquid Lawnch is the ultimate party game!


Liquid Lawnch is designed for entertainment purposes and should be played without the consumption of alcoholic beverages; however, if you choose to play as a “drinking game” with alcoholic beverages, it must be played by adults 21 years of age and older. Lernatic LLC does not encourage the use or abuse of alcoholic beverages. Lernatic LLC does not support or endorse excessive alcohol consumption, binge drinking, drinking and driving, or underage drinking. Lernatic LLC, its owners, principals, heirs, assigns, representatives, employees and agents disclaim and have no responsibility, collectively or individually, and are not liable for special or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this product or this site, regardless of whether Lernatic LLC has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

According to the Surgeon General: (1) women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects; and (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.

Weight 0.5 lbs
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